EU Licence for Truck Drivers

Renewal of EU licence/Driver CPC/Periodic training

Do you want to stick to your job as a truck driver? Then remember to renew your EU licence/certificate (Driver CPC) every 5 years. You can do this at the periodic training for truck drivers at AMU JUUL.

NB: As a Ukrainian citizen under the Danish Special Act, you can get your biometrics features recorded, and can hereafter apply for residence permit and be granted this course for free (if approved by your local Jobcenter). You will also be able to use this certificate when returning to Ukraine.

We know that as a truck driver, you appreciate new knowledge from experienced people in the industry, which is why you will be met by our skilled trainers, all of whom have extensive experience from everyday life behind the wheel. On the training course, they will provide you with the latest knowledge on driving goods.

According to Danish law, all drivers must undergo further training and renew their EU licence (Driver CPC) at least every 5 years. The training lasts only 5 days. You can attend a refresher course with us every week.


To start the periodic training you must have:

  • a certificate of professional competence (Driver CPC), also called an EU certificate,
  • or a lorry/truck driving licence cat. C. acquired before 10 September 2009.


When you have been on the Periodic Training for truck drivers at AMU JUUL, you will get 2 renewed certificates:

  • EU Licence/Driver CPC
  • AMU course certificate

5 days periodic training for truck drivers

You are an important part of society! Hurry up and refresh your skills, so you can get back on the road.

The course is divided into 3 modules.

You will start with the mandatory training for all truck drivers, regardless of industry. In this module, you will refresh your knowledge about:

  • Traffic regulations
  • Regulation of working hours
  • Driving and rest time regulations
  • Road safety
  • Defensive and energy-efficient driving, including information on new technologies
  • Accident prevention, including prevention of right-turn accidents
  • First aid in the event of cardiac arrest

When you get to the industry-specific module you will be updated on the latest developments in your field of interest. You will obtain brand new knowledge about:

  • Customer service and conflict management
  • Traffic regulations
  • Load securing and the transport of different types of goods
  • Checking and preparing vehicles and equipment
  • Managing the necessary transport documents
  • Module trucks and the specially marked road network on which module trucks may operate
  • Route planning
  • Prevention of muscle and joint injuries

You will also have a fun and exciting day out of the classroom. Here you will get to drive on the FDM Sjællandsringen, which has the best facilities in Denmark for hosting driving courses on slippery tracks. This day you will get a lot of practical training in driving under difficult conditions. You will refresh your skills in:

  • Braking and evasive manoeuvres
  • Skidding and slalom driving
  • Driving dynamics and manoeuvring on different surfaces
  • Safety rules behind the wheel and on the road
  • Modern safety equipment, including ABS and ESC
  • The difference between driving with summer or winter tyres

... and finally, you get to simulate a road accident at 5 km/h.

Once you have completed your periodic training, you will be back in your truck with a renewed EU licence (Driver CPC). There are no tests on this course.

Price for the course:
DKK 1,070*
Your employer can apply for a salary allowance (VEU godtgørelse) of up to DKK 940 per day, as well as travel expenses and possible grants from skills funds.
* The price is valid for people living or working in Denmark, who don't have a higher education.
If you receive unemployment benefits, your Jobcenter can pay for the course. Contact us for more information.
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